Award for the Wild Chairs of Leña de Luxe

The Wild Chairs of Leña de Luxe have been awarded with the second Award at the I Sculpture Bienal of Valldoreix del Somnis.  We are pleased to receive a remunerated award, because honestly, it is what artists need because they don’t only live of promotions. We thank...

Sculpture Bienal of Valldoreix dels somnis

Sculpture Bienal of Valldoreix dels somnis

The Wild Chairs of Leña de Luxe participate of the I Sculpture Bienal of Valldoreix dels somnis, wich 24 artists are involved. The opening  is sunday 25th of september at 11 am. at the Parc of Sant Cebrià in Valldoreix, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona. The exhibition...

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